Thursday, June 26, 2008

Through the Fairytale Trees

As we walked through the metro station, solving multiple choice questions with our time tested technique of 'inky pinky ponky', from Gautam's Infamous "Rupa book of Litrary quiz" [which he bought at a bargain of 80 bucks, which he is very proud of] ... It was lovely to find the queue in front of the ticket counter which today, stretched till eternity...

It took us 20 mins to reach the University where we had initially decided to hire bicycles to save us the labour of walking and the capital that we would have to invest in rickshaw rides..
However that was not all the reason to hire a bicycle. I remember riding a bicycle when I was a ten year old. I owned a glittery red one which often took me to the shopping complex when mum needed salt, sugar, detergent, coffee...

That glittery red bike has been sold. It left us when I learnt to use the bus, metro, autos, Rickshaws and other modes of public travel. These days I have a driving License to flaunt. To flaunt because, I am not allowed to drive after I rammed into a neighbour's brand new BMW last year while I intended to risk parking my beloved vehicle beside it..

We were running short of time so we decided to accomplish the 'business' first and then do the merry making, which needed a little market survey...

The Arts Faculty where we had our 'business' was pretty far form the station. Now those who have already been there and are now reading this would say " eh!" but sorry to say, if you sit at home for two months, doing nothing, only moving your fingers to update your blog... a walk from the station to the Arts Faculty is.....Indeed Stress!

Then, we had no option but to make the walk... Later We hired cycles. Mine, which had an uneven seat, initially pricked me a little at the backside but slowly i got used to it! We paddled around in the university, dogging the cars and scooters that came our way or went past... laughing at some fat guys in Children of bodom Tshirts who had hired a rickshaw...

I noticed for the first time, what the pain of walking and tension of getting the rickshaw pullers into bargains had not let me notice before.. The university is indeed lovely...

As I paddled through the road laden on both sides with swishy eucalyptuses, red gulmohars, green spiky neems.. it let me into one of those worlds which i had long wished to enter...

They spoke to each other in smooth slippery voices... Something...

Something which I could only feel. The leaves softly brushed against each other... the way she playfully rubs her nose with her lovers, kisses it gently and looks into his eyes.. a spell which binds them both to the blissful memory...

Some branches of a little plant clung to the trunk of a gigantic tree... I thought of Daddy, when he held my hand while crossing a busy street... Today again, I felt the loving warmth of his fist, the same concerned firmness...

It was drizzling lightly.. I donot love rain... It brings back memories which I donot want to claim... It brings to me the forgotten gloom.. comes to me, as a reminder of my lonliness...

But today for the first time, I enjoyed the sharp droplets hitting my face... They hit my face and then slowly crept in, through the dull orange collar of my shirt... The wind blew on my wet face, in my unruly hair... swishing them back and forth... entangling the locks into each other, in its play...

As the drizzle brought with it the yellow leaves, they tumbled their journey from the trees, to touch me softly, to whisper in my ear..

"Life is to live, to live Now"

They fell with all their beauty and grace, never bothering who would trample on them...

As my phone began ringing I found myself staring stupidly at the trees who so long had kept me captured in their fairytale..... In my fantasy, I had forgotten that I had taken a different turn and come a long way... probably had left them searching for me, far behind...

I turned back with a heavy heart... Afterall Dreams never come true...

yes, they never do...


Adrian said...

Why have you changed the photo? It showed you with your father, right? From your lines somebody can make a small impression from India...

The Archangel said...

Sorry I had to remove the picture for it didnot go well with the write up... was killing the mood sort off...

I knew you would say lines do show India... I will put some writing featuring life in India soon...

Thanks for the comment and the Idea Adi... :)