Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Picture and a thousand Memories!

Its really funny,how i looked back then...

Everytime i open this picture..a mixed feeling emerges.A feeling of delight that comes with seeing every old family picture of ours,my memory takes me back to those old golden days,where we had enjoyed so much!

And then it reminds me that gone are those days!For me the present is not the place i want to live!Yeah i know what people say.."past was in present" and all sorts..maybe its absolutely true,but then the amount of joy i get by seeing and reliving those old days can't be compared.

The most astonishing is the fact that i remember..when this picture was clicked,it wasnt the ideal mood i was in!In most pics,im cursing the heat or the rain..or why there were mosquitos!At that time i was feeling tired or most of the times i was tensed about the fact that there was holiday homework to be done!This would be case while clicking all these pics.

But when i see them now,i cherish the fact that there was so little work to do in tenth or there are more mosquitos in the house now!I am always busy cursing the present and admiring the past!

I am always busy either cursing the present or worried about living my future...and finally after a year i get to know that the fear i had of the future was just no big deal and the present was so beautiful and given a chance i would relive my past and enjoy it again!

Finally just while writing all this,i get to my conclusion..that is life is always beautiful and easy,be it the the past,present or the future...nothing lasts forever..neither sucess nor failure!

Just what remains is the memories..They could be made better only by forgetting the future worries and present hurdles...all we need to do is 'SMILE'!

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