Monday, July 19, 2010

I, Wasteland

is a curse.
It swells the more you feed it.

I write when I feel
the need to feel.
I write when all I wish
is to scream out loud
I write

Never was it, that I didn't have to
It was always because, I didn't want to
But I guess always has
an expiry date

I have stopped thinking
in rhythms and rhymes.
My mind plays a stage
for flashing faded
memories I shared with you.

Thousand thoughts
Million moments
Billions of broken emotions
in a forged, fragmented, reverie.


J said...

As always beautiful.
Took me three readings to soak in the entire thing. It looks pretty random in the first go. But the poem has a certain depth. Liked the alliteration effects in the last two stanza. My fave lines...
" I write when I feel the need to feel"....
I think it is a rather common theme on most blogs. We all face a writer's block at some point or the other(I am assuming that this poem is about that). But the key is to keep the flickering flame alive, however dim it may be.


P.S. It should be "I din't WANT to" in line 10.

Anirban Ghoshal said...

Dear Miss Mondal
Gee, but do you treat your own writing with such irreverence, or the whole trade in general?
See, that's what comes of writing after staying up all night and reaffirms my belief in the fact that that is indeed the best time to write. Good writing, I think requires a little.. well, loathing and maybe and not all love.
I thought this piece of poetry was really very good indeed...
In case you wonder who I am u might check out your Facebook, for you added me sometime back as part of a gag with a third person involved.. i saw ur URL today purely by chance, and seeing ur work for the first time i could not resist expressing my admiraton..

Afaque said...

bht khiya diya apki machliyon ko....dekh lena mar na jaye ;)

trekntrolla said...

wow! you are becoming me.. running around in circles drawn with imaginary compasses of infinite radius. :P

A striking contrast from the usual discretization to the new sense of generalisation; From real details to abstract depths.