Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The End At A Beginning

Dear God,

When I look back to reflect on this entire year I find it very strange. Can't really say the year was great. It had started with many promises. It had started with many firm resolutions, with strong planning, but it is ending the way I had never expected it would. Yet I cannot help but be grateful. This year was, if nothing, a lovely present from you.

This year, I achieved another set of academic success. I have learnt to believe in myself. I have fallen in love only to realise it wasn't love at all. I have learnt to trust wisely.

There were people who stood behind me when the tide was against me. I learnt to value my family. I made mistakes, even some irreversible ones. I learnt to live with my past. I thought I would perhaps never be loved. I learnt there is someone who does and he would always.

God, thank you for this wonderful year. It has brought me wisdom. It has brought to me faith. It has brought to me my Sunshine.

Last year, I began with planning but this year I won't. For last year, when things weren't going the way I had planned them to, I cursed you. Today I realise, It was right for them to have deviated from my order. I realise, my life was never so beautiful.

I have learnt to believe, in your being.
I have learnt to believe, in your divine presence.
I have learnt to believe, in you.


Anonymous said...


Wish u a happier new yr widout those little hiccups in b/w.

trekntrolla said...

certainly, u unfolded a thing to learn...taking the things that have gone by..as curvatures to turn life on its designed way..and moving on!