Thursday, April 22, 2010

I thought

I thought I was a Sunflower,
and you were my Sunshine.
that you would gently wrap me, in your arms.

I thought I was, a forgotten fortress,
and you were my Sunshine.
that you would peep in and brighten my being.

I thought I was the Moon,
and you were my Sunshine.
that you would softly touch and make me beautiful.

I thought I was the Winter,
and you were my Sunshine.
that you would bring to my rescue, your warmth.

I thought I was the Rainbow,
and you were my Sunshine.
that I was none, but your vestige.

I thought..


J said...

The most beautiful and elegant poem I have read in a long long time. To say I loved it would be an understatement. Totally enraptured and mesmerized.

I thought I was the Night, and you my Sunshine. that you were my beginning, you my end.

trekntrolla said...

Now I see, what sunshine means to you !
Brilliantly described, how it is imbibed in all the aspects of your life.

And I think 'J' has provided the perfect ending to it.

trekntrolla said...

your ending is as beautiful as one by him, the difference being, for yours its a state of despair and unfaith, for his is a realisation and coming to terms with truth..

J said...

Almost three months now.....Plase update. I simply love this space. Checked out your other blog, loved the story, "The Blue Bicycle". Somehow, couldn't leave a comment there.