Saturday, May 10, 2008

Jungle of Lights

...As i sit here at the window, far below i see thousands and thousands of lights...
thousands and thousands of yellow and white dots... as if someone has strewn a fistful of golden and silver glitter over a sheet of deep eriee darkness...

they are twinkling...
May be because, somewhere, someone is switching a light on, to accomplish a business... somewhere, someone is switching them off to control their electricity bill...
its strange... did i ever think while turning on a light, that someone up there would be watching me and wondering, what exactly i might have wanted to do next?

As i look below at the vast stretch of the sparkling city, i can make out the highways, which bathe in the sodium lights... they seem like snakes, long glowing snakes, crawling in curves across the land...

little lights travel through them... as the snakes swallow millions of cars, buses, scooters...
maybe there are people inside them... talking excitedly to each other...

I see a white dot.. does it belong to a house? is a little girl getting a scolding for not going to bed?
Its vanished... like million others...
maybe she has gone to bed... may be her mother has tucked her in her warm bed, with her teddy bear... maybe she is now... in her sugar dreams...

The aircraft shivered...

As some clouds block my view for a while..i think of my monotonously meaningless life, the loneliness, that i am getting back to... the unpredictability, the anxiety, the nervousness that is waiting for me there... to catch me and take in me in their coils...
squeezing this tranquility out... leaving an unquenched thirst to let go of life...

Its not a jungle of lights anymore... but few big sodium bulbs, large houses and swaying trees....
Its better i willingly accept it...
"passengers are requested to fasten their seatbelts..."
Alas, they have... but no choice...
they have... but no escape...


jeens........... said...

hmm...good yaar..totally advice please contact d electricity might help..nyways i loved it..

Anonymous said...

awesome nandu..leave ur studies nd be poet baba...............i hope our next generation read poems by u.............

Anonymous said...

the view from your's become your own sapce.
and the city spread underneath, you muse. hold onto them...results are always brilliant.

Adrian said...

You find your life pointless or monotonous? It was only for one moment, or? People won't let you live the way you want to, but if you're strong enough, at least you don't have to live the way they want you to.